Would you like to start your own business? Do you have great business ideas but don’t know how to convert them into successful products? The USOU Entrepreneurship program can help you to convert your dreams into reality. Starting a business can be risky, but the risks can be minimized through a well drafted business plan and successful marketing. All the answers to your burning questions can be found in this certificate program. Our Entrepreneurship program is based upon years of research, competency modeling and learning systems development. It is designed to help small and medium-sized businesses, new entrepreneurs and innovation-driven startup companies to gain a competitive edge and succeed in today’s exciting business world. The program provides primarily practical, competency-shaping training, a fresh perspective and an innovative approach to solving business challenges.
Module One: Introduction
• It’s Your Business
• Measuring Risk
• ROI and VOI
• CEO vs. CPO
• Success and Failing
Module Two: Leadership
• Leadership Servant
• Personal Leadership
• Organizational Leadership
• Team Building
• Art and Science
Module Three: Coaching
• Life Skills
• Mentoring
• Wellness Coaching
• Executive Coaching
• Business Coaching
Module Four: Communication
• Active Listening
• Communication Skills
• Dynamic Presentations
• Public Speaking
• Motivational Speaking
Module Five: Marketing
• Online Marketing
• Social Media
• Global Strategies
• Website Essentials
• Design Thinking
Module Six: Essentials
• Financial Management
• Business Accounting
• Business Plan
• Forecasting
• Business Ethics

An Entrepreneurship Certificate does not give you academic credit. M.B.A. programs require a more complex curriculum and longer study time. The Entrepreneurship Certificate takes far less time to obtain, costs less and you don’t need a bachelor’s degree to enroll. The Entrepreneurship Certificate is an in-house program for groups of ten to twenty participants that consists of six two-day workshops. You complete the coursework in a highly engaging learning environment. In the end, you take a test and when you pass you will receive your certificate.
Fees per Module (two-day workshop) $5,950