Michael Seewald, Associate Professor of Photography, Director of the Institute of Photography. He studied Photojournalism at San Diego State University. Since 1986, Michael has traveled the world creating his fine arts images. He has made 61 photographic expeditions, to countries and regions as distinct as Russia, all of the Hawaiian Islands – twice or more each, Cuba, Spain, India, Turkey, Italy, Bali, Vietnam, Ireland, Germany, Australia, Costa Rica, Greece, Peru, Japan, Iceland, Morocco, New Zealand, Israel, and Kenya, to name a few – averaging 3 to 4 weeks each.  While many photographers, including professionals, see fine arts photography as something one does for the love of it – with little thought given to selling the images – Michael makes a living from his fine arts work.



In photography, success demands continuous learning and a rejection of mediocrity. Simply mastering the basics won’t elevate you in the competitive field. To stand out, develop a unique style. Every click should reflect a commitment to excellence. Your portfolio is not just images; it’s a visual narrative of your artistic evolution. Rise above the ordinary, innovate, and let passion drive you. In this saturated landscape, be exceptional, not just proficient. Seek inspiration in everyday moments. Challenges will come, but resilience defines your path. Your lens is more than a tool; it’s a gateway to endless possibilities. Seize it, make every click count, and find the extraordinary in the journey.


What sets Michael apart is his ability to distill years of wisdom into a single day of learning. There is no need for endless experimentation or attending workshops with self-proclaimed experts when you have Michael Seewald as your guide. The tips and tricks you glean from Michael are the keys to unlocking the doors of professional success. Each nugget of knowledge is a potent tool, a guarantee that you’re not merely navigating the path of photography but sprinting toward a destination where excellence is the norm. And if you need tangible proof, look no further than Michael’s magnum opus – the iconic image, “Pianoman, Shanghai, China, ’87.” This masterpiece, a testament to Michael’s artistic prowess, recently commanded a staggering $100,000. It’s not just a photograph; it’s a manifestation of Michael’s expertise and insight.