Life’s challenges don’t define us – they refine us. At the Challenge Crushers Circle (CCC), we believe in the power of transformation, growth, and resilience. If you’re seeking a supportive community where problems become stepping stones and challenges become opportunities, you’ve found your tribe!


Empowering Solutions

We’re not just about advice; we’re about action. Our community thrives on providing you with practical strategies, tools, and insights that turn challenges into triumphs. From conquering stress to conquering your dreams, we’re here to help you crush it all.

A Judgment-Free Zone

No judgment, no stigma. Our safe and welcoming space encourages open discussions, shared experiences, and a genuine sense of belonging. Here, you’re understood, supported, and cheered on every step of the way.

Inspiring Community

Surround yourself with fellow Challenge Crushers who are on the same journey. Engage in conversations, share success stories, and build friendships with individuals who know what it means to rise above.

Holistic Approach

We believe in nurturing not just the mind, but the heart and soul too. Our holistic approach blends practical advice with insights from various perspectives, including a biblical one, to help you navigate life’s challenges in a balanced way.


Unleash Your Potential

Whether it’s stress, relationships, self-doubt, or any hurdle you’re facing, CCC equips you with the tools you need to unleash your full potential. No challenge is too big when you’re supported by a community that believes in you.

Transformative Growth

Experience personal growth like never before. As a Challenge Crusher, you’ll walk away stronger, wiser, and more equipped to overcome whatever life throws your way.

Belong to Something Bigger

Join a circle that stands for empowerment, positivity, and upliftment. When you’re a part of CCC, you’re contributing to a movement of change – both within yourself and in the world around you.

Ready to Begin?

Dive into the Challenge Crushers Circle today and embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and endless growth. Life’s challenges are waiting to be crushed, and the path to triumph starts right here.

Join us now and let’s conquer challenges together!


Stress and Anxiety

The fast-paced modern life often leads to high levels of stress and anxiety, affecting mental and emotional well-being.

Loneliness and Isolation

Social isolation and the digital age can contribute to feelings of loneliness and a lack of meaningful connections.

Health and Wellness

Maintaining physical health, managing weight, and adopting healthy lifestyle habits are common concerns.

Relationship Challenges

Difficulties in relationships, whether romantic, familial, or social, can lead to emotional strain.

Work-Life Balance

Juggling work, family, and personal interests while maintaining a healthy balance is a constant struggle.

Financial Stress

Managing finances, debt, and financial goals can be a significant source of stress.

Addictions and Habits

Overcoming addictive behaviors, such as substance abuse, overeating, or excessive screen time, can be a daily battle.


Many individuals struggle with self-doubt and low self-esteem, affecting their overall sense of worth.

Personal Fulfillment

Finding purpose, meaning, and fulfillment in life is a pursuit that many people are on.

Time Management

Effectively managing time, setting priorities, and avoiding procrastination are ongoing challenges.

Parenting and Family

Balancing parenting responsibilities, dealing with family conflicts, and nurturing healthy family relationships.

Career Development

Navigating career choices, growth opportunities, and professional challenges while seeking personal satisfaction.

Provide a concise overview of your challenge and our dedicated Action Team will be promptly engaged to address it. Expect a response within three days.


At Challenge Crushers Circle, we’re not just a community – we’re a force of change. Our Action Teams are where the magic happens, where real-world problems meet real-life solutions. Picture it: a moderator with expert insights and two to three experienced members who have already conquered your challenge. Together, they form an unstoppable Problem-Solving Powerhouse dedicated to helping you overcome.


🔹 The Expert Moderator
An expert moderator leads each Action Team with in-depth knowledge of the specific challenge. They’re here to guide, provide valuable insights, and keep the team on track.

🔹 Experienced Members
Alongside the moderator are two to three experienced members who’ve already triumphed over the challenge you’re tackling. They’ve walked the path you’re on and are living proof that success is possible.

🔹 Collaborative Brainpower
Action Teams collaborate in a private space, sharing strategies, personal stories, and practical tips. It’s a space where no question is too small, no goal is too ambitious, and no challenge is insurmountable.

🔹 Tailored Solutions
The best solutions are those that resonate with your unique journey. Action Teams work together to develop personalized strategies that fit your circumstances, giving you a clear roadmap to success.


🔆 Accelerated Progress
Why reinvent the wheel? Benefit from the combined wisdom of experts and those who’ve been there, done that. Action Teams help you skip the trial-and-error phase and move straight to progress.

🔆 Real Stories, Real Inspiration
Surrounding yourself with those who’ve triumphed fuels your motivation. The stories of action team members who’ve conquered the same challenge empower you to believe in your potential.

🔆 Empowerment and Encouragement
The camaraderie within Action Teams is unmatched. You’re not alone in this journey; you’re backed by a group that genuinely wants you to succeed.

🔆 Building a Toolkit
The solutions you gather from your Action Team experience become tools in your personal toolkit. You’ll carry these strategies with you for life.

🔆 Join the Movement
Ready to conquer your challenges with a team that’s got your back? Step into the world of Action Teams at Challenge Crushers Circle, where empowerment meets expertise, and success is the destination.

Get started today and let’s crush challenges together! 🚀🌟


Health and Wellness

Personal Fulfillment

Work-Life Balance

Career Development



Loneliness and Isolation

Relationship Challenges



Lifestyling refers to the conscious and intentional approach of shaping one’s life and lifestyle according to personal preferences, values, and aspirations. It involves making deliberate choices in various aspects of life, including career, relationships, health, hobbies, and overall well-being, in order to create a life that aligns with one’s individual goals and desires. Lifestyling emphasizes authenticity, self-expression, and the pursuit of a fulfilling and meaningful existence that resonates with one’s unique identity. It involves continually evaluating and adjusting different elements of life to ensure they contribute to personal growth, happiness, and a sense of purpose.



Embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-mastery. Take full responsibility for your life’s trajectory. Nurture a resilient mindset that thrives on challenges and embraces growth. Prioritize your physical and mental well-being, as a healthy body and a clear mind form the foundation of all your aspirations. Define your life purpose and set ambitious goals that ignite your passion. Remember, your success starts with you.


• Prioritize daily meditation or mindfulness practice.
• Engage in regular physical activity to release stress.
• Limit exposure to negative news and information.
• Write down three things you’re thankful for daily.
• Engage in a hobby or activity that brings you joy.
• Set clear boundaries between work and personal time.
• Connect with loved ones through calls or video chats.
• Invest in personal development through learning.


Extend your embrace to your family, nurturing the connections that matter most. Cherish your life partner and invest in a thriving marriage. Be a steadfast pillar for your children, nurturing their growth and imparting life’s values. Support your parents with gratitude for the foundations they’ve laid. Navigate challenges together, fostering a strong and loving family unit that stands the test of time.


• Plan a weekly family game night or activity.
• Have honest conversations with your partner and children.
• Prioritize quality time over screen time with your family.
• Celebrate achievements and milestones together.
• Show appreciation through acts of kindness.
• Create and follow a family schedule for better organization.
• Practice active listening with your family members.
• Plan regular meetings to discuss goals and challenges.


Curate your circle of friends with discernment. Seek companions who uplift, challenge, and inspire you. Distance yourself from toxic influences that hinder your growth. Genuine friendships are a source of joy, mutual support, and shared experiences. Surround yourself with those who empower you to be the best version of yourself.


• Assess the positive and negative influences of your friends.
• Prioritize quality over quantity in your friendships.
• Reach out to friends regularly through calls or messages.
• Engage in meaningful conversations to deepen connections.
• Be a source of support for friends during tough times.
• Seek out new friendships with shared values and interests.
• Surround yourself with people who inspire and uplift you.


Actively engage with your community, giving back and creating positive ripples of change. Volunteer your time and resources, amplifying the well-being of those around you. Become a source of positive influence, proactively addressing the needs of your community. Be a solution provider, a problem solver, and an advocate for change. Cultivate a sense of patriotism, spreading optimism for a brighter future within your country’s borders.


• Identify volunteer opportunities aligned with your values.
• Participate in neighborhood clean-ups or community events.
• Share your skills and expertise with local organizations.
• Support local businesses and initiatives whenever possible.
• Join community groups or forums to connect with others.
• Initiate positive change in your community when needed.
• Engage in acts of kindness for community members.


Anchor yourself in a spiritual connection that transcends individuality. Cultivate a deep relationship with your creator, practicing gratitude and finding solace in faith. Embrace the values that underpin your spiritual beliefs and allow them to guide your interactions with the world. Radiate the benefits of a spiritual life through your actions, without imposing your beliefs on others.


• Set aside daily quiet time for prayer or meditation.
• Attend spiritual gatherings that resonate with you.
• Engage in acts of compassion and service to others.
• Practice forgiveness and let go of grudges.
• Explore spiritual teachings to deepen understanding.
• Cultivate a sense of awe and wonder for the universe.
• Embrace mindfulness and presence in daily activities.



My name is Tom Gaddis. I’m a retired public relations executive and live in Southern California. My heart has always been with the homeless. A year ago, I helped out at Bread of Life Rescue Mission, a homeless shelter in Oceanside, where I met a couple with a ten-year-old girl. They lost their home because the dad, Tony, lost his job after a tragic accident.

Tony was driving his truck on a windy road with his boss when he saw a small car in his rearview mirror heading straight for him at a very high speed. He swerved into a ditch and his truck rolled. His actions saved the 19-year-old driver’s life and saved the young girl’s family from unspeakable pain. Apparently, she had been blinded by the sun.

Tony suffered a severe back injury, which cost him his job. For two years, the insurance company refused to compensate him, and Tony and his wife and daughter ended up sleeping in their van. When I met them, this van was in disrepair with a broken window and mechanical problems.

I was touched by this family’s plight and took them under my wing. I drove them around to attorneys and court appointments and helped them get into a small cottage. They ended up with a meager settlement, and now they’re back on their feet with jobs, living in a cozy apartment.

Throughout this entire time, even while they were homeless, their daughter remained on the honor roll at school and continued playing the violin.


My name is Michael Seewald. I’ve been a photographer for more than 35 years. I’m also a passionate fisherman. My specialty is bass fishing, which is for catch and release only. One day it dawned on me that I could go fishing not just for fun, but for the good of others. So I decided to fish for the homeless. Since then, whenever my friends and I go fishing for trout, catfish, sea bass, or tuna, we deliver everything we catch to a homeless shelter in Carlsbad, California, with transitional housing for 50 men.

From time to time we go fishing with Boy Scouts as well as handicapped children. We took the children out fishing to a tranquil lake. Before we cast our lines, we huddled in a circle, our heads bowed in a collective prayer. With fishing lines in the water, we shared stories and laughter. Then, it happened – a tug on the line, a rush of excitement. As we reeled in our catch, it wasn’t just a fish; it was a symbol of unity and shared victory. Back on the shore, fish in hand and smiles on our faces, we understood the depth of our experience. We hadn’t just caught fish; we had caught memories, connections, and the sheer joy of being together. We felt a profound truth settle within us. Through unity, our prayers found a voice, and in shared moments, we discovered the true essence of our journey.

Another time, we went to Lake Poway, California. Although we prayed, we didn’t catch anything from the crack of dawn to dusk. With our egos deflated, we docked the boat and were just preparing to return to our car when two teenage boys were walking toward us, holding a stringer of ten catfish. One of the boys recognized my friend, remarking that he had seen his picture at the tackle shop as the record-holding angler for the Lake. The boys were shocked to hear we had caught nothing. When we told them we were fishing for the homeless, they spontaneously gave us their fish. As others around us overheard our excitement, they donated their fish too. This way we ended up with much more fish than we could have caught on our own.

One day, we decided to go deep-sea fishing. The boat next to ours was just returning from a fishing trip. They had caught six 30-pound albacores. We let them know we hoped to have the same good fortune, as we were fishing for the homeless. They immediately gave us three of the albacores. We decided to go out anyway, – and caught nothing because we hadn’t realized that God already answered our prayer before we ever set foot on the boat. That day, we were able to deliver over 90 pounds of fish to the shelter. Little miracles like this happen to us regularly. Often God answers our prayers in ways we would never imagine. To date, the biggest fish we caught was a 220-pound shark, which we caught just before midnight, three miles outside of Mission Bay. It took us more than an hour to get it into the boat.

Hey there, fellow fishing enthusiasts! If you’re as hooked on fishing as we are, why not reel in some good vibes while you’re at it? Imagine turning your hobby into a heartwarming mission. It’s simple – just bring your fishing buddies on board and let’s make every cast count. Share the joy of fishing, create meaningful memories, and empower hearts in the process. Whether you’re a pro or just starting out, you’ve got the power to spread happiness through your casts. Join us in casting for a cause, and let’s make fishing even more fulfilling! Ready to dive in?


My name is Alan Sakal. After never running in my life, I decided to sign up for the Carlsbad Marathon. I’m not sure what compelled me to want to run a marathon, but I just knew it was something I was “supposed” to do. I joined In Motion Fit in Carlsbad. On my first “check out” run with the group, I could barely run two blocks. I had my work cut out for me.

With the encouragement of the wonderful In Motion Fit coaches and a lot of hard work, six months later I was standing on the starting line of the Carlsbad Marathon with thousands of other runners. Not only was this my first marathon, I had never even been to one. I was told to be prepared to “hit the wall,” and sure enough, at 20 miles I felt as if I could not continue. I asked God to carry me the rest of the way. At that same moment, out of the crowd, came my training coach, Stan. He ran with me for the remainder of the race, encouraging me all the way. Coincidence? I don’t think so. I was running for a higher cause.

That cause is the Bread of Life Rescue Mission in Oceanside. For the last four years, I have been a Board Member and frequent volunteer at the Mission. One night, as I was passing out blankets to our shelter guests, it came to me. I knew why I was “supposed” to run in the Carlsbad Marathon. I was supposed to raise money to buy cots for our guests to get them off the floor. I proceeded to create a fundraising website and then sent an e-mail to my friends asking them to sponsor me in the race. They really came through! We raised almost $9,000 and were able to buy cots for all of our guests. They are no longer on the floor.

After I participated in the Carlsbad marathon, I continued to run with my group under the leadership of our training coach Stan and later entered the La Jolla Half Marathon. During the race, I ruptured a disk in my back that required surgery. While in the hospital, I contracted a staph infection and was down for a while. I had to go back to the operating room two additional times and endured a lengthy recovery which included 12 weeks of continuous IV therapy. Due to the trauma to my spine, I was unable to walk and had to go through intensive physiotherapy and train my legs to move again.

It was not until November that I recovered. I really missed my running partners and wanted to join them again. Slowly I started to walk with Stan’s walking group at the YMCA. Later I joined my group again. All that time off affected me, and I had trouble keeping up with the group. With only 30 days left until race day, I knew I was not capable of running in the marathon. What about the half marathon? Is 30 days enough time to train to run the half? I hope so because that is what I am doing. After all, if I am going to ask my friends to sponsor me again, I had better be in the race!