Achieving sustainability is a challenging task. It requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and continuous effort. There are many factors that contribute to the success of sustainability initiatives in an organization. Some of them are:

– The type and level of commitment from the top management to sustainability
– The size and complexity of an organization
– The degree to which an organization has control over its own destiny
– The number of stakeholders involved in the initiative
– The degree to which an organization can mobilize resources from outside sources

We need to understand the key competencies required for sustainability. This is important because it will help us plan for the future, and make decisions that will create a sustainable future.

For more than a decade key competencies have been identified, defined, and used for curriculum development (Program-Level Learning Objectives) and course development (Learning Outcomes) in sustainability education. A set of six critical competencies in sustainability, synthesized from the literature, has received quite some attention over the past few years and has been used in sustainability programs at universities around the world. The faculty of United States Online University has decided to use these competencies for the development of its curriculum. Competencies in sustainability have become more complex over time and will continue to do so. They include sets of knowledge, attitudes, and skills that allow you to successfully perform tasks related to sustainability problems, challenges, and developmental opportunities.


MODULE 1: Systems Thinking

• Problems in Systems
• Power Relations
• Facts and Perceptions
• Rules and Rights
• Decision Making

MODULE 2: Futures Thinking

• Scenario Construction
• Forecasting
• AI Simulation
• Visioning
• Anticipation

MODULE 3: Values Thinking

• Viability Concept
• Value Assessment
• Impact Analysis
• Stewardship
• Synergy Management

MODULE 4: Strategic Thinking

• Behavior Change
• Transition Agendas
• Systemic Interventions
• Success Factors
• Organizational Change

MODULE 5: Interpersonal Competence

• Cooperation
• Verbal Communication
• Stakeholder Principals
• Trust Building
• Goal Sharing

MODULE 6: Integration Competence

• Roadblocks and Barriers
• Support Factors
• Transition Management
• Social Movements
• Power Politics


The USOU Certificate Program has been developed by professionals of several disciplines who are deeply committed to the causes of transcultural equalization in education, health, ecology, and economy. The program development team is comprised of renowned experts in Competency Development, Performance Improvement, Business Development, and Artificial Intelligence Learning. They created this Certificate Program because they believe that sustainability can only be accomplished with a solid set of competencies. The Sustainability Certificate is an in-house program for groups of ten to twenty participants that consists of six two-day workshops. You complete the coursework in a highly engaging learning environment. In the end, you take a test, and when you pass you will receive your certificate.

Fees per Module (two-day workshop) $5,950